Everyone wants to keep their home cool and comfortable during the hot summer season. However, setting your thermostat too low will skyrocket your electricity bills. However, programming it too high will make your residence feel more like a sauna than a home.

That’s why SM Mechanical Services has put together this guide to teach you the best AC setting for summer. We’ll help you keep your home pleasantly cool all season long.

The SM Mechanical Services team consists of the best South Windsor’s professional HVAC contractors. We will swiftly handle all your heating and air conditioning needs without sacrificing quality. We have been installing, repairing, and maintaining HVAC units for over 15 years.

Want to maximize your home’s comfort level without spending a small fortune? Contact SM Mechanic Services today for superior heating and air conditioning services in South Windsor, CT.

The Best AC Setting for Summer

The DOE (Department of Energy) recommends setting your thermostat to 78 degrees during the summer season. Some people might enjoy keeping their home around 78 degrees. However, this temperature is a bit warm for many homeowners.

Think of the 78-degree recommendation as a base point that only applies when you’re awake and at home. If you find 78 degrees too hot, slowly adjust the thermostat settings until you find your ideal temperature. It’s best to raise or lower the temperature by one degree at a time to ensure you don’t waste energy during the process.

It’s important to note that the lower the thermostat setting, the more energy your AC unit requires. Setting your thermostat too low puts immense stress on your air conditioner and can drastically increase your monthly electricity bills. You must find the right balance between comfort and affordability when using your AC during summer.

Adjusting Your AC Setting for Summer

One of the best ways to stay cool without breaking the bank is adjusting your thermostat throughout the day. In fact, consider setting your thermostat seven to 10 degrees higher than your preferred temperature for eight hours a day. Doing so can save you up to 10% on your electrical bills yearly.

Try to increase your home’s interior climate by 10 degrees or more before leaving for work each day. This simple action will significantly decrease your energy payments while reducing your carbon footprint.

If you have the cash, you can purchase a programmable thermostat that will automatically adjust the temperature while you’re away. You can also program it to restore your desired indoor temperature before returning home. Although programmable thermostats cost more than traditional models, they can help you save hundreds of dollars on your energy bills each year.

Tips for Keeping Your Home Comfortable during Summer

Keeping your home nice and cool during the dog days of summer isn’t easy. However, you can take advantage of several ways to stay comfortable without stressing your AC unit. Below are some efficient ways to keep your home chilled without adjusting your thermostat.

Open and Insulate Windows

Summer temperatures tend to decrease at night and in the early morning. Opening a few windows gives your air conditioner a much-needed break by allowing cool air to flow through your home. Sleeping with a window open or cracking one open when you wake up helps conserve energy without sacrificing comfort.

Well-insulated windows also cool your home by preventing hot air from entering your residence. Furthermore, they prevent conditioned air from escaping through cracks, enhancing your home’s comfort.

Utilize Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans provide nearly instant relief to homeowners struggling to stay cool during summer. The rotating blades push air downwards and blow body heat away from you. As a result, ceiling fans keep you cool without turning on your air conditioner.

If you don’t have ceiling fans, an oscillating fan or two will help you beat the heat just as well.

Although ceiling fans require energy to function, they use significantly less energy than an air conditioning system. However, they only cool people and pets, not individual rooms. So, always turn off your ceiling or oscillating fans before leaving your home since they don’t affect your property’s interior climate.

Use Dehumidifiers

Humidity often makes the air feel hotter than it actually is. However, dehumidifiers reduce your home’s indoor humidity level, increasing your comfort without using your AC system. Just be sure not to overuse your dehumidifier since it still requires a decent amount of energy to operate.

Switch to Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Some residential lighting can substantially raise your home’s indoor temperature. Overly hot light bulbs usually consume more energy than energy-efficient models. Therefore, they can add to your electricity costs.

As a solution, consider switching to energy-efficient lighting such as LED lights. These lightbulbs will make it easier to keep your home comfortable while lowering your utility payments.

Maintain Your Air Conditioning System

Dirty air conditioners demand more energy to cool your home. Keeping your AC unit well-maintained is one of the best ways to keep it functioning with optimal efficiency.

To maintain your AC system, you should change your air conditioner’s filter, refill its refrigerant, and keep the system clean. These actions will allow you to get the most out of your system while making your electric bill more affordable.

Contact SM Mechanical Services for All Your Heating and Air Conditioning Needs in South Windsor, CT

If you want premium HVAC repair, installation, and maintenance services without the premium prices, contact SM Mechanical Services. Our team can help your air conditioning system reach its full potential without exceeding your financial means.

We’ve helped countless residents improve their heating and cooling systems. We can do the same for you at a price you can afford.

Whether you want to learn the best AC setting for summer or the advantages of having your AC and heater in one unit, SM Mechanical Services is here for you. Call SM Mechanical Services at (806) 296-5100 today for first-class heating and cooling services in South Windsor, CT!

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