If your home has an HVAC system, you must perform regular maintenance tasks to care for it and keep it working smoothly. This maintenance will save you money on your heating and cooling bills, so if you cannot handle these tasks on your own, you may want to reach out to a local company to help you manage them. They can help ensure that your system is always in the best possible condition and functioning well.

Important ongoing HVAC tasks include the following:

Change the Filters

The HVAC filters are one of the most important components of your heating and cooling system. They help to keep dust, debris, and pollutants from circulating through the system. If you have family members with any type of breathing issues, these filters will need to be changed monthly. Otherwise, they’ll need to be switched out every two to three months. Your HVAC filter is your first line of defense against breathing in contaminants, so keeping it as clean as possible helps keep everyone healthy.

Schedule Seasonal Maintenance

It’s important to make an appointment for a full HVAC service before the weather is either too warm or too cold. This helps you find any issues that your system is having to get them repaired before a major problem occurs. This seasonal professional maintenance helps ensure that everything is in perfect working order when it’s most needed. It usually works best if you schedule these maintenance appointments for well before you’ll need your unit, as often service providers get especially busy in the summer and winter.

Keep HVAC Area Clear

Keep the area around your HVAC unit outdoors clear and the condenser coils as clean as possible. Also, avoid blocking ducts indoors. This helps ensure that the air can circulate freely around your home to work effectively. Otherwise, it will have to expend more energy to accomplish the same cooling, and you’ll wind up with higher energy bills and a warmer house. Avoid these issues by keeping the area clean, clear, and uncluttered. If the condenser coils are dirty and you cannot clean them, contact a local professional to do the job for you.

Staying comfortable in your home, while keeping your energy bills low, depends on your HVAC system working correctly. Ongoing maintenance helps keep the system from breaking down or developing serious problems. If you cannot maintain your HVAC system on schedule, reach out to a local professional to schedule an appointment. They can provide you with a quote for the ongoing maintenance you need to keep everything working correctly.

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