#1 for Boiler Services in Bolton With Over 190 5-Star Reviews
Are you looking to install a radiant heat system in your home? Or perhaps you simply need to repair or replace the boiler for your current heating system. Regardless of your needs, you can count on SM Mechanical Services for all of your boiler and plumbing services.
We install, repair, and replace boiler systems for folks throughout Connecticut. If you’re ready to get your project off the ground, feel free to reach out to our boiler installation and repair experts in Bolton to schedule an appointment. You can also continue reading to learn more about the benefits of boiler and radiator systems, you can learn about common boiler issues, and you can find the answers to a few of our most frequently asked questions — all of which are listed below.
The Benefits of a Boiler and Radiator System
With SM Mechanical Services and the right boiler system, you can trust that your home will have consistent, reliable heat for years on end. You’ll enjoy all of the following benefits with a well-maintained boiler system:
Boilers Are Highly Efficient:
Unlike forced air systems, boilers don’t lose significant heat as air inevitably seeps out of the home. While you can bolster up your home with measures to keep your walls, doors, and windows from letting air out, some air will escape — which means that your furnace will have to click on several times per day. With a boiler, heat consistently radiates out of the radiator elements of your system, and that radiant heat is absorbed by objects around the room. That means you’ll use less energy to heat your home with a boiler system.
You’ll Save 30 to 70 Percent Annually:
Thanks to the efficiency of boiler heating systems, you’ll see an annual savings of up to 70 percent off of your energy bill. That’s great news for your budget.
State-Offered Rebates:
The state currently offers rebates on certain boilers, since they are more efficient than other heating systems. If you’d like to learn about the state’s current rebate program, simply reach out to our Bolton boiler installation and repair staff — we’ll let you know how much money you can redeem for your boiler system!
Warrantied Repairs:
When you count on the technicians here at SM Mechanical Services, you can rest assured that our repairs come with a warranty that protects the new parts and our workmanship for a full year. If anything should happen to your boiler system, just give us a call.
Satisfaction Guarantee:
We offer a 100-percent satisfaction guarantee on all of our work. Whether you need a full boiler system installation, a boiler replacement, or repairs on your current system, you can trust that we’ll do our utmost to make sure that you are satisfied with our services.

Common Boiler Issues
Low System Pressure:
Your boiler and radiator system relies on pressure to keep the fluid circulating throughout your boiler and radiators. If you have low system pressure, you can lose heat throughout your home, and you may have inconsistent temperatures. You can check the pressure of your system at the boiler, to see if it is lower than the recommended pressure for your unit.
Inconsistent or Low Radiator Heat:
If you have inconsistent heat or poor heat kicking off of your radiators, then you may have a variety of issues. You may have a blockage in your system (which can be caused by rust or mineral deposits), you may have low pressure in your system, or you may have thermostat issues, among other possibilities. Reach out to a plumber to pinpoint the issue at hand.
Strange Noises From the Boiler:
Your boiler shouldn’t make much noise as it operates. If you hear whistling, it’s a sign that your boiler is kettling (more about that below). You may also hear clunks, bubbling, or other noises which may cause problems for your heating system — again you should reach out to a plumber to pinpoint the issue at hand.
Thermostat Issues:
If your thermostat isn’t accurately assessing the temperature of your home, or if you have a thermostat that is failing to communicate with your boiler, then you may be left in the cold. We can take a look at your thermostat and ensure that it is calibrated and electronically sound.
A leaky boiler is an obvious problem, and it should be assessed quickly, since the leak can worsen. Leaks often happen in older boilers, and they may be an indication that your boiler needs to be updated. You may also have leaky pipes and radiators. Again, replacement or repairs will be necessary.
Boiler Kettling:
Kettling occurs when the water in your boiler boils and cannot escape. If your system no longer allows for hot water to circulate through your radiators, then kettling can occur. This happens because your radiators no longer heat your home, and your thermostat constantly signals your boiler to turn on. Kettling can be dangerous for your boiler and it should be addressed immediately. Turn off your boiler at the thermostat if you notice whistling noises, and reach out to a plumber to drain and repair your system, or to replace your boiler.
Our Boiler Service FAQ
How do boilers work?
Boilers heat up water which then circulates through radiators or baseboards that are arranged throughout your home. The radiators and baseboards of your home radiate the heat stored in the water, as water flows through the system. After your water has circulated through the radiators or baseboards of your house, it returns to the boiler where it is heated again.
What is the best boiler for my home?
Boilers vary in size, efficiency, and features. We can work with you to determine the best option for your home’s heating demands and your budget.
Should I use a boiler or forced air heating system?
Here in Connecticut, due to our high demand for heat in the winter months, it is often best to have a boiler system installed in a home, in lieu of a forced air heating system. Forced air heating systems aren’t very efficient (since that air can easily escape your home), and they can leave you with a high energy bill. Boiler systems rely on radiant heat (which heats your skin and the surfaces of your home, instead of the air), which is a far more efficient form of heat. That means that you’ll have a reduced energy bill month after month.

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Count on SM Mechanical Services
If you’re ready to get started, we’re just a click or a call away. Reach out to the Bolton boiler installation and repair professionals here at SM Mechanical Services to begin your upcoming boiler project. Again, we provide boiler installations, repairs, and replacement services for folks throughout Connecticut.