#1 for Oil to Natural Gas Conversions for Furnace Installation in Glastonbury, CT With Over 190 5-Star Reviews
Oil to Natural Gas Conversions for Furnace Installation
When the cold weather season is upon us, a functioning heating system is a must—but have you considered its efficiency? If you’re still using oil to heat your home, you may want to consider converting to natural gas. Our Glastonbury furnace service experts can help!
Why convert from burning oil to natural gas for heating? There are many benefits to making an oil to gas furnace conversion, including cheaper operational costs, lower maintenance, increased efficiency and convenience, versatility, and environmental awareness. You will no longer waste fuel since natural gas burns completely and far less toxically than oil, nor will your heating system require additional maintenance caused by oil residue, soot, and leaks. Your furnace will automatically become more energy-efficient, and you will experience positive impacts throughout your home since gas is a much cleaner option that leaves far less of a carbon footprint

Since gas lines are installed directly into your home, you can always rely on having fuel when you need it, and you’ll never have to wait for an oil delivery again. After a conversion from our Glastonbury furnace service team, you can also do more with your home and use natural gas for ovens, water heaters, fireplaces, dryers, and other appliances for a more cost-effective option, whereas oil can only complete one job. Natural gas homes on average have a higher resale value than those heated with oil as well!
Our Glastonbury furnace service experts can make the oil to gas conversion by either fitting your furnace with a conversion burner or converting your heating source entirely—it depends on what you already have and what the most affordable solution will be. We install a wide variety of equipment, including IBC Boilers, Utica, and Weil-Mclain, and we are a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer.
Contact us for an estimate and consultation on making this ideal conversion today!
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Count on SM Mechanical Services
If you’re ready to get started, we’re just a click or a call away. Reach out to the Glastonbury boiler installation and repair professionals here at SM Mechanical Services to begin your upcoming boiler project. Again, we provide boiler installations, repairs, and replacement services for folks throughout Connecticut.