During the summer, escaping the Glastonbury heat and humidity is a must. The sound of the air conditioner humming along from in-window units, or from the larger units in the backyard, is all too familiar to any of us in Glastonbury. But walking around and seeing just how many AC units there are may have gotten you to think about air conditioner emissions. 

Do air conditioners emit harmful gases? If they do, what is the impact of your air conditioner on AC unit air pollution? The answer is a little more complicated than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but don’t worry, the top HVAC contractor in Glastonbury, CT, has you covered. 

SM Mechanical Services has become the #1 choice in Glastonbury for residents’ HVAC needs, including air conditioners. To help you know more about indoor air quality and AC systems, read this guide on toxic fumes and when it’s time to call the professionals. 

What Makes a Gas a ‘Harmful Gas’ in Glastonbury, CT

Before talking about the potentially harmful gases from AC units, it’s important to get on the same page regarding what qualifies as ‘harmful’. You’d be right to assume that gases that are detrimental to your health would be considered damaging, but also consider HVAC system gas emissions that can be harmful to the environment. 

A harmful gas can be any gas that is toxic to humans and damaging to the environment. It’s important to note that a properly functioning AC unit does not emit any toxic gases. However, should there be a malfunction, break, or crack in one or many of the parts within the unit, then you run the risk of leaking refrigerant. 

Refrigerant gases can be toxic both to humans and the environment. To understand why, let’s take a look at how air conditioners work. 

How Air Conditioners Work 

The earliest air conditioners, made over a century ago, took up an entire room and were incredibly inefficient, noisy, and costly. As the air conditioner developed, it became smaller and more efficient. However, all air conditioners operate on the same basic principle. 

AC units in essence ‘move’ the heat in an area, such as a living room, from indoors to outdoors. First, the hot air is pulled into the air conditioner, where it heats up something known as refrigerant. Refrigerant is a chemical, typically a liquid, that uses the heat of the air to be turned into a gas. 

This now-cooled air is sent back to the area it came from. The refrigerant, now a gas because of the transferred heat, is condensed back into a liquid, and the process is repeated until the air is sufficiently cooled.

The Role of Refrigerants

While there are different types of air conditioners, the general components and utilization of a refrigerant remains the same. Refrigerants can consist of toxic chemicals. In a perfectly functioning air conditioner, the refrigerant is permanently contained within sealed tubing. However, when damage occurs to that tubing, refrigerant can leak. 

Leaking refrigerant can be toxic to both humans and the environment. Refrigerant gas can trap greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, raising levels of carbon dioxide. Within your home, refrigerant gases can lead to something called refrigerant poisoning, where long-term exposure can lead to health concerns. 

So, do air conditioners emit harmful gases? They can, but only if they aren’t functioning correctly. To ensure your air conditioner is working right, call the top HVAC contractors in Glastonbury, CT, at SM Mechanical Services. 

Preventing Your AC From Emitting Harmful Gases in Glastonbury, CT

When your AC works correctly, you won’t have to worry about it emitting refrigerant gases that can be toxic for your health and the environment. You can take a few steps to ensure that your AC always operates in the best condition and that harmful leaks never occur: 

  • Clean the unit regularly: Removing dirt and debris from both the indoor and outdoor units can allow your AC to efficiently transfer air into the system and throughout your home, preventing breakdowns. 
  • Change your filters: Replace your filter at least once every three months to ensure the best performance. 
  • Cover the windows: If your AC runs constantly or near-constantly to keep your home at the desired temperature, take measures to prevent your home from heating up throughout the day. Pulling the curtains and blinds during sunny periods can prevent sunlight from penetrating your windows and heating up your house, allowing your AC to run less often. 
  • Schedule repairs promptly: If you notice any malfunctions with your AC system, call an HVAC contractor as soon as possible to schedule a repair. Even a minor issue, such as a slight whining or banging noise, could indicate a larger problem that eventually leads to a refrigerant leak. 
  • Treat leaks as emergencies: If you notice a refrigerant leak near the unit, call an emergency HVAC contractor to address the leak urgently. The longer you let the leak go on, the higher your risk of inhaling the toxic fumes. 

For the Cure to Toxic Air Conditioner Fumes, Call the #1 Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Option in Glastonbury, CT

The best way to ensure that your air conditioner works properly, promotes your health and well-being, and does not add to the environmental impact of air conditioning is by calling the experts at SM Mechanical Services right here in Glastonbury, CT, for a service or inspection. 

Don’t wonder, “Do air conditioners emit harmful gases?” Instead, just call the experts at SM Mechanical Services. With repairs, installations, and any other HVAC-related procedure you need, we at SM Mechanical Services are ready to provide top-tier solutions and expert guidance. 

With over 15 years of experience, we’re equipped to handle any job, from addressing weak air flow to replacing your AC system. If you don’t have any pressing needs, remember that a timely inspection can prevent future headaches and heat-aches. To schedule an inspection or any other service, call us at 860-544-2026 or reach us online at our contact page

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