Are you looking for a new air conditioner? You’re probably wondering, “Do ductless air conditioners need to be vented?” The short answer is no!

Read ahead to learn more about the advantages of having a ductless air conditioner. When you want to schedule an installation, call SM Mechanical Services, the leader in ductless AC installation in Glastonbury, CT.

How Ductless Air Conditioners Work

Ductless systems work much the same way as a typical air conditioner. The condenser portion of the AC still resides outside, and the unit uses refrigerant to cool and recirculate the warm air. However, ductless air conditioners, also called mini-splits, require no ductwork or ventilation.

Advantages of a Ductless Air Conditioner

What advantages do you gain by installing a ductless air conditioner?

Easy Installation

Because it doesn’t require running ductwork, ductless air conditioners are much easier to install. However, you should still use a professional. They can do the job much more quickly and affordably than when you install an entire HVAC system, saving you time and money.

Space Saving 

Ductless air conditioners work great in small spaces. If you have low ceilings, you don’t want to crowd them with ductwork, and the mini-split effectively cools most room sizes. They’re also compact, meaning they don’t take up much wall space.

Energy Efficiency

Mini-splits reduce electricity costs and increase energy efficiency. They cool about 25% more efficiently and, compared to central air, can save you up to 30% on your electricity bill.

Refined Control

Because you only cool one or two rooms at a time, ductless air conditioners offer much better temperature control than central air. You can set different rooms to different temperatures. 

If your family has different opinions about what they consider comfortable temperatures, installing several mini-split air conditioners around your home might be the perfect option!

Cleanliness and Noise

Ductless air conditioners run with much less noise than traditional window units. They make a great option for people with sensitivity to loud or background noise.

The absence of ducts also means they blow less dirt and dust through your home. You can improve your indoor air quality simply by cleaning the unit at regular intervals.

Can I Install My Own Ductless Air Conditioner?

If you wonder, “Do ductless air conditioners need to be vented,” you might also wonder if you can install one yourself. While a capable person could install some types of ductless air conditioners, consider the risks. When you hire an HVAC professional, you can avoid the following issues.

Seamless Purchase to Installation

Many installers prefer to provide the air conditioner they install. This helps their bottom line but also ensures they know the product and take responsibility for its quality.

What happens if you buy a mini-split with the intent to install it yourself and then find the job harder than you expected? You’ll have a difficult time locating a professional to install it for you.

To reduce risk, work with an HVAC professional from beginning to end!

Refrigerant Line Problems

The most challenging aspect of installing a ductless air conditioner stems from running the refrigerant lines. You’ll need to run these lines through the wall, attic, or crawlspace.

Without experience, you risk turning the line into a “trap” where the coolant flows less efficiently. Hiring a professional ensures the highest quality installation and an air conditioner that runs efficiently.

Warranty Issues

When you install an air conditioner yourself, you risk voiding the warranty or causing damage not covered by the warranty. Using a professional means they bear the burden of any damage they cause during installation. Some manufacturers require a professional to install the unit to comply with the product’s warranty.

Ensure the Best Fit

Your home requires a different size of mini-split depending on the size of the room you want to cool. Ductless air conditioners can cool spaces up to 1,500 square feet. However, the larger the space, the more British Thermal Units (BTUs) the air conditioner requires.

When a professional installs your unit, they ensure the air conditioner has enough power to effectively cool the space you need.

How Can I Maintain My Ductless Air Conditioner

Regularly maintaining your air conditioner keeps it working at peak efficiency and helps prevent costly repairs or replacements. Mini-splits benefit both from traditional maintenance practices and a few unique procedures to keep them working their best.

Air Filters

Mini-splits require frequent air filter changes. Because there are no ducts for the dust to settle, ductless air conditioners quickly build up dust in their air filters. If you have pets or live in a dusty environment, you’ll replace the air filters more often than a traditional unit.


Regularly cleaning the unit ensures it operates at peak efficiency and protects it from breakdowns. Clean the outside at least once a week by wiping it down with a damp cloth and confirming the outside portion stays free of dirt.

Keep Furniture Clear

Avoid blocking your mini-split with large furniture too close to the unit. Keep art or wall hangings at least a foot away. Clearing a space allows the unit to run most efficiently and grants easy access when it needs repairs or maintenance.

Keep Clear of Ice and Snow

If your mini-split can heat in addition to cool, you’ll find it vulnerable to ice and snow buildup, especially in the winter. Regularly check the outside portion of the unit for any buildup and gently remove it.

Annual Check-Ups

You can only do so much maintenance yourself. A certified HVAC professional should check your unit at least once a year to prevent more severe problems and to extend the life of your unit.

Call SM Mechanical Services for All Your AC Needs

Now you know the answer to your question, “Do ductless air conditioners need to be vented?” Are you ready to discover all the ways a ductless AC adds value to your home?

When you’re ready for your ductless air conditioner, SM Mechanical Services stands ready to install it. Call us at (860) 530-2792 to start the process today!

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