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If your furnace breaker keeps tripping, you want to get to the bottom of the issue as soon as possible. However, you’ll find several potential causes for this concern; identifying which one affects you can help you resolve the problem. While some troubleshooting tips could restore your furnace and breaker to working order, the best solution is to call your local heating experts for assistance.

In this detailed guide, SM Mechanical Services, LLC will go over the most common reasons that a furnace breaker will experience repeated tripping. Once you’ve finished reading, don’t hesitate to contact our top-rated, family-owned company for furnace repair in Glastonbury, CT.

You Have Blocked or Limited Airflow

Obstructed airflow is one of the most common reasons HVAC experts see tripped furnace breakers. When air can’t freely pass in and out of the system, your furnace pushes itself to achieve the task and works much harder than normal.

Sometimes, something is in the vents, hindering airflow. Ductwork can also collapse from wear and tear and have vulnerabilities. This can affect airflow and lead to a circuit breaker tripping from the suffocation.

No matter what, if you suspect a problem with your breaker and airflow, give a nearby heating professional a call for immediate help.

Some of the next steps to take are as follows:

  • Remove any obstructions that are in front of your vents.
  • Keep up with routine ductwork inspections and maintenance.
  • Replace your furnace filters every one to three months.
  • Work with a trusted HVAC experts for a resolution.

The Circuit Is Overloaded With Activity

In many cases, your furnace relies on the same circuit as other appliances in your home. When this happens, the competing sources may not have enough power to run effectively. You can unplug the secondary item, but it’s best to designate a specific circuit for your furnace, ensuring that you aren’t overloading any circuit with more demand than it can handle.

A Bad Blower Motor

When a blower motor seizes or experiences damage, it will trip the circuit breaker, causing trouble operating your furnace. Typically, you’ll need to get a new blower motor and have a professional replace it. 

A Broken Blower Motor Capacitor

The blower’s capacitor could also become the reason for furnace breaker tripping. The capacitor helps the blower motor begin running when you turn your furnace on, supplying it with the power necessary to move air. An issue with a capacitor will most definitely lead to problems with the blower motor, since it can’t run as it normally does without it.

The blower motor will instead rely on the connected circuit for power if the capacitor can’t provide it. Since it draws a lot of power, the furnace breaker will trip and stop working properly. Fortunately, these are an inexpensive part that won’t cost a small fortune to replace.

The Electric Panel Has an Issue

Electrical panels can become worn out and outdated, and could be why your furnace breaker keeps tripping. You might also have loose wiring and connections, which could also create a safety hazard that requires professional intervention. 

If you suspect this is the cause of your furnace troubles, please do not try to fix the issue yourself. Handling electrical work is dangerous and can cause serious injuries, and professionals are trained and have extensive experience. Therefore, calling a knowledgeable and trustworthy electrician in your area is the safest way to deal with electrical connection issues. They can perform repairs, replace faulty parts, and deal with connection troubles. It’s never worth getting hurt, and you’re unlikely to get the results you want. 

A Short Circuit or Ground Fault Problem

A short circuit is one reason your furnace breaker is tripping. When neutral and hot wires come in contact with one another, this leads to a short circuit. Additionally, other internal problems with parts in your furnace may cause short circuiting.

Ground faults are similar to short circuits but happen when hot wires contact grounded parts or wires, taking in a large amount of the electrical circuit and leading to tripping. No matter what, don’t touch these wires or try to repair them.

Why You Shouldn’t Keep Resetting Your Furnace Breaker

Many property owners who have a tripped circuit breaker for the furnace often reset the breaker and restart their furnace. In some cases, this might work to resolve the problem, especially if you’ve had an electrical problem recently. However, you shouldn’t repeatedly reset it because:

  • You could cause more problems to your furnace and various electrical components
  • You’re ignoring a clear warning that something is wrong and trying to continue as normal
  • You don’t know what’s causing the tripping or may not have the resources to resolve it

Circuit breakers prevent your wires from overheating by tripping when they notice temperatures beginning to rise. They will stop providing power to appliances and systems to prevent wires from getting too hot and creating a dangerous situation. In short, they prevent fires from starting.

Furnaces and boilers can have problems with their respective breakers at some point, but requesting electrical assistance is the best way to restore your appliances and ensure safety. If you live and work in Glastonbury, CT, SM Mechanical Services, LLC, is the trusted team you need. We’ll make sure you get the help you need to address an issue.

Contact SM Mechanical Services, LLC for a Professional and Safe Solution When You Experience Furnace Circuit Breaker Tripping in Glastonbury, Connecticut

We hope you’ve now learned all of the likely explanations for when your furnace breaker keeps tripping. Our business also can uncover the mystery behind when your pilot light won’t stay lit, so check out that blog for more information. If you’re having heating troubles, we can help.

Call SM Mechanical Services, LLC, today at (860) 530-2671 for five-star furnace and heating services in Glastonbury, CT!

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