Are you experiencing problems keeping your furnace lit? Contact SM Mechanical Services for help.

Do you find yourself having to light your furnace repeatedly? You likely have a furnace ignition failure. Keep reading to discover all the possible causes and solutions for ignition failure.

As Glastonbury’s expert furnace repair specialists, SM Mechanical Services handles all manner of service repairs. When furnaces fail, we help you stay warm through the harsh New England winters.

Problem With the Circuit Breakers

If your furnace isn’t lighting, the first thing to check is the electricity throughout your home. Check the circuit breaker to confirm if one of the breakers overloaded and flipped off. If so, turn it back on and test your furnace again.

Also, check your other major appliances, like your fridge, air conditioner, and water heater. If those are working correctly and have power, then the problem resides with your furnace itself rather than some electrical component.

Broken Thermostat

A faulty thermostat can’t send accurate readings to your furnace, which prevents it from properly heating your home. An HVAC professional can diagnose thermostat issues and either repair or replace it.

Faulty Drain Pan

Your furnace creates condensation, and the drain pan is responsible for collecting the accumulated water, which raises a float switch. When the float switch reaches a certain height, it activates a pump that expels the accumulated condensation from your home.

If you have a problem with the float switch or the pump, the furnace won’t ignite to prevent potentially overflowing the drain pan. Fixing the issue with the draining system can restore full function to your furnace.

Clogged Air Filter

Like air conditioners, furnaces use filters to purify the air they pump throughout your home. While most filters should last 30 days, if you have significant pollution in your air, such as from smoking or pets that shed, you should check it more frequently.

When your air filter builds up dust and dirt, it becomes clogged, and the furnace won’t start as a matter of safety. Checking and replacing your air filters is one of the easiest and most important things you can do to maintain your furnace.

Issues With the Gas Supply

Many furnaces still use gas as their source of fuel. While efficient, leaks in your gas line pose a serious threat to your family’s health and safety. If you smell gas in your home, exit immediately without using any electronics, including flipping a light switch or unplugging any devices.

Once you’re a safe distance away from the home, call your utility company to shut off the gas. After that, call our experts to find the gas leak and fix it.

Faulty Flame Sensor

The flame sensor determines whether the conditions in the furnace are safe enough to deliver a supply of gas to the furnace. When it senses an ignited flame, it sends a signal to the gas supply, allowing full ignition. If the furnace receives gas without a flame present, the gas leaks into your home, but the sensor prevents that from occurring.

Over time, the sensor can accumulate dirt and dust, preventing it from accurately sensing an ignited flame. If this is the problem behind your lack of ignition, cleaning the sensor can return full function to the furnace without excessive cost or effort.

Overpowering Electrical Current

One often overlooked cause of furnace ignition failure is excessive electrical current. During a power surge, the ignitor can burn out, requiring replacement before your furnace can function again.

You should experience power surges rarely, usually as a result of a storm or problem with the utility company. If you experience more regular power surges, have an experienced electrician examine your wiring. Frequent electrical overloads can destroy all your plugged-in devices, not just your furnace.

Improper Air Flow

A strong draft in your basement can blow out your pilot light or prevent it from igniting. Improving your insulation can resolve this issue.

Your furnace also pulls air from your chimney or vents, which allows it the oxygen it needs for combustion. With a blocked chimney or furnace vents, the device can’t intake the air properly and thus won’t ignite.

Aging Ignitor

Your furnace’s ignitor won’t last as long as the furnace itself. While a properly cared-for furnace can last up to 20 years, your ignitor won’t last more than seven. This means you’ll likely go through about three ignitors over the course of your furnace’s life.

Only a qualified technician can determine if your ignitor’s age is a factor in your broken furnace. The ignitors require special care to install and must be the right size and fit, so never try to replace the ignitor yourself.

If your furnace is old, consider using the broken ignitor as an opportunity to upgrade to a more energy-efficient furnace.

Lack of Maintenance

Lack of maintenance is one of the biggest causes of furnace malfunctions. To ensure your furnace runs as efficiently and as long as possible, schedule annual maintenance. HVAC technicians suggest fall as the best time for furnace maintenance, as it confirms the device is in working order over the cold months.

You should also resolve problems with your furnace promptly. Not only are many furnace problems hazardous to your health and safety, but they can lead to more expensive or serious issues later. 

Finally, one way to reduce issues with your furnace and extend the life of your ignitor is to run it moderately. Don’t keep the temperature high when you’re not home to enjoy the heat, and keep your thermostat set at 68 degrees during the winter.

Contact SM Mechanical Services for All Your Furnace Needs

If you have a furnace ignition failure, don’t waste your time and energy trying to fix the problem yourself. From simple clogged air filters to dangerous gas leaks, SM Mechanical Services handles every job with 100% dedication, expertise, and safety. That’s why we’re Glastonbury’s number-one choice for furnace maintenance, repairs, and installations.

Whether you have an oversized furnace or need regular maintenance, SM Mechanical Services can help. Contact us to book an appointment today. 

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