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Your furnace is a significant investment that needs protecting. Whether you have a gas or electric furnace, issues with this heat source are not uncommon. You can avoid the many unwarranted dangers furnaces bring by getting proper maintenance and repairs.

At SM Mechanical Services, we offer furnace repair and maintenance to keep your furnace in top shape. Our furnace technicians in Glastonbury have years of experience installing and repairing furnaces. No matter your furnace issues, our team can resolve them and help you avoid the dangers they can cause.

Keep reading to learn more about potential furnace dangers.

Furnace Issues That Can Become Dangerous

You shouldn’t overlook even the slightest problems with your furnace. Some of the most common furnace issues include:

  • Dirty air filters
  • Faulty pilot lights
  • Malfunctioning flame sensors

These problems may seem minor, but they can quickly turn into costly repairs. Knowing about these issues can help you determine when to get repairs. It’s also imperative to get routine maintenance to keep your furnace in good shape and prevent minor issues from worsening.

1. Dirty Air Filters

Dirty air filters are one of the most common furnace issues. Air filters catch airborne contaminants like hair and debris when your furnace runs, keeping you from getting sick.

A dirty filter reduces your furnace’s airflow and leads to contamination if left untreated. As filters collect more dirt and debris, they eventually become less effective. If you have clogged filters, you could risk respiratory illnesses such as asthma or lung cancer in extreme cases.

You can easily swap out your dirty air filters with new ones. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, a technician from SM Mechanical Services or another HVAC company can assist you.

2. Airflow Problems

Furnace issues can also manifest as airflow problems. Poor airflow has many causes, including a clogged furnace filter. If your furnace is not getting enough airflow, you may notice dust build-up on surfaces in your home.

You have a severe build-up problem if you see dust in the air while your furnace runs. Dust in your furnace could catch on fire from overheating. Additionally, excess dust and debris in the air can cause respiratory illnesses or worsen them.

Airflow problems contribute to further issues with your furnace. Getting prompt repairs will help you avoid a full furnace breakdown.

3. Malfunctioning Flame Sensor or Thermocouple

Your old gas furnace features a thermocouple while newer models feature a flame sensor. Both prevent gas build-up in your furnace. When these components don’t work correctly, you risk a gas explosion upon ignition.

Electric furnace ignition may depend on a pilot light or hot surface to ignite the gas when the furnace is ready. You could have a pilot light or a surface ignition device, depending on your model. In older models, the thermocouple should be in the furnace’s flame path to detect build-ups accurately.

A malfunctioning thermocouple is one of the more severe furnace issues that can turn fatal. If you suspect a gas leak, contact the professionals immediately.  

4. Cracked Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger receives heat from your gas or electric furnace’s ignition. It then transfers the heat to cold air. Because the flames don’t reach the air, you avoid breathing in toxic fumes. 

However, a cracked heat exchanger no longer prevents flames and toxic fumes from becoming airborne.

Your heat exchanger is durable but sustains wear and tear over time. Heating and cooling its metal material causes cracks to form. Furthermore, carbon monoxide from the furnace’s flames could get into your indoor environment.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can result in serious illnesses or death. You should get a carbon monoxide detector for your home to avoid these highly dangerous consequences.

5. Pilot Light and Ignition Delays

The pilot light and ignition switch can become faulty with age and lack of maintenance. Your pilot light may fail on gas models, or your ignition switch may not ignite the furnace properly on electric models. If your furnace makes a loud sound when starting, you have a delayed ignition.

These furnace issues are hazardous due to built-up gas. If your ignition switch gets stuck, gas accumulates, leading to potential carbon monoxide leaks. The loud bang you hear when your furnace starts is a small gas explosion occurring inside the unit.

The more frequent these occurrences, the more dangerous your home environment. Fortunately, HVAC specialists like those from SM Mechanical Services know how to safely resolve these issues.

6. Improper Air to Fuel Ratio

The correct air to fuel ratio creates the most efficient combustion and heating process. A blue flame in your furnace signifies efficient combustion. However, orange or yellow flames indicate there is either too much gas or inadequate airflow.

Your furnace runs less efficiently the older it is. A furnace that doesn’t correctly combust reduces energy efficiency while increasing your monthly bill. In worst cases, your furnace may cause a carbon monoxide leak.

Moreover, due to incomplete combustion, the hazardous fumes could leak through the heat exchanger and poison you and your family. If you notice incomplete combustion, turn off your furnace and contact furnace technicians immediately.

Furnace Repair and Maintenance

SM Mechanical Services is a leading furnace repair and maintenance company serving Glastonbury, CT, and the surrounding areas. We offer detailed furnace repair and maintenance services. When you have furnace issues, we can resolve them quickly and effectively.

No matter your furnace issues, our team works hard to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning and gas explosions. We follow all safety guidelines and emphasize transparent communication. Your safety is our top concern, so we use top-of-the-line equipment to detect problems and perform repairs.

Our licensed and bonded technicians prioritize client satisfaction. Working with us guarantees you high-quality repairs, maintenance, parts, and labor. We follow a streamlined checklist to ensure we catch every possible issue before leaving your property.

Don’t risk a severe furnace issue. Get help now and learn more about furnace repair and maintenance from SM Mechanical Services in Glastonbury, CT. Contact our furnace experts today at 860-296-5100 for a free estimate.

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