If you’re wondering, “How long does it take to replace an air conditioner?” this information from SM Mechanical Services LLC, a company that provides reliable HVAC services in Glastonbury, CT, explains the general time estimates.

How Long It Takes To Replace an Air Conditioner

The general industry answer to, “How long does it take to replace an air conditioner?” is four to eight hours. However, that only applies to replacing the AC. You can either get a change-out or a full system replacement, and the time differences are substantial.

Change-Out Time Estimate

A change-out means swapping the old air conditioner for a new one. It’s a pretty straightforward process because the only thing that changes is the unit itself. The ducts and other parts remain the same.

Therefore, this replacement falls in line with the four- to eight-hour estimate, depending on the size of the unit. The unit size has a big impact on installation time. A bigger unit takes longer to hook up because it has more components.

However, don’t think that getting a smaller unit will always save you time. If your house is big, a smaller unit won’t cool your home. That means you will spend more time replacing that small unit and going through another installation.

The design of your home always factors into the size and type of unit you need. A professional HVAC company will discuss what works best for your home.

Full System Replacement

A full system replacement takes more time. It involves replacing the unit plus other parts of the system, like the ductwork. This job is extensive and can take three to six days. The air conditioner still takes less than a day to install, but working on the rest of the system involves many steps.

The AC Location

How long does it take to replace an air conditioner in a new location? Putting an air conditioner into a space that’s difficult to navigate will take more time. You have to factor in what it takes to access the space along with the actual process of mounting the AC. This is something you need to discuss before the technician arrives, and a good HVAC team will make sure you do.

If your new AC is smaller than your old AC, then a relocation might be just what you need. The larger unit obviously won’t fit in the space. However, even if it does, a move might generate more efficient cooling. Never try this yourself because it involves working with electricity and possibly refrigerant lines, plus moving a heavy object. 

Upgrades Make Life Easier

When you replace your AC, take advantage of all the high-tech options that the industry offers. A programmable thermostat can save money and energy because it lets you determine the temperature for certain times. Instead of shutting down the AC to save money and energy, you can just program an automatic adjustment when the house needs less cold air. 

A reputable HVAC team can explain your options, ensuring that you make the best selection for your budget and lifestyle. 

The Dangers of DIY AC Replacement

Here are some things an HVAC professional must know or do to replace or install an air conditioner:

  • Work safely around electricity
  • Understand alternate currents and electricity flow
  • Handle the weight of a heavy air conditioner
  • Identify different airflow types
  • Measure and analyze airflow

These are just some of the typical things an HVAC professional does. 

If you decide to do the installation yourself, you risk severe injury and property damage. The time estimate increases, along with costs and frustration.

But if you work with a reputable service like SM Mechanical Services LLC, the team will install the right size AC to cool your space. The unit will feature the technology you want to cool your house easily and affordably. That is because HVAC professionals will advise you on the right type of AC and brand to ensure superior cooling coverage for your space.

This guidance ensures you get a high-efficiency HVAC system.

Don’t Delay an AC Replacement

The answer to “How long does it take to replace an air conditioner?” shouldn’t stop you from scheduling this service. Delaying replacement can cause:

Health Problems

An air conditioner past its prime can cause health problems. If the unit’s not cooling your home efficiently, you can feel how humid the Glastonbury summer is making your house. That humidity is creating a moist environment that is ripe for mold. Even worse, you can’t see all the nooks and crannies where mold thrives. 

It takes a lot of hard work to get rid of mold, and it’s expensive to repair the property damage it causes. Besides, it is not worth the health risks for your family, which are also expensive to treat.

High Bills

When your AC needs to be replaced, your utility bill will run higher until it is. To cool your home, a unit like this strains to produce air. It begins to short-cycle. Because the unit keeps turning on and off, it never completes the cooling cycle. 

This increases your energy usage and, thus, your bill.

Expanding Carbon Footprint

Using an older or defunct AC expands your carbon footprint in the same way it increases your energy bill. The waste of electricity is enormous. A replacement will get your footprint back to its normal size.

Contact SM Mechanical Services LLC to Replace an Air Conditioner in Glastonbury

SM Mechanical Services LLC provides first-rate air conditioner services in the Glastonbury area. As the area’s premier HVAC team, SM Mechanical Services LLC recommends people get regular maintenance to keep their systems in working order. The team also handles repairs before they become detrimental to your HVAC system.

And if your system needs to be replaced, they can replace the HVAC before it breaks. This keeps you ready for Glastonbury’s cold winters and hot summers.

Now that you have an answer to, “How long does it take to replace an air conditioner?”, contact SM Mechanical Services LLC at 860-296-5100 to make an appointment soon.

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