If you are wondering how often should an HVAC be serviced, you need to get on the schedule for maintenance. 

This is true even if you just moved into a home and the previous owners installed a new HVAC system right before they left. Don’t let the word “new” mislead you. Regular servicing is the best way to maintain a heavy-duty HVAC system at any stage of its life.

From the first time you turn it on until it blows its last “breath,” an HVAC system only works as well as its last routine servicing. This is one of the best ways to save money on paying extensive repair costs. The longer you delay, the more you pay.

And if you haven’t had a routine service in a while or ever, that tells you how well your HVAC system works. You’re definitely not earning back your initial investment in the system. We can make sure your investment pays off.

SM Mechanical Services, LLC, is a certified HVAC contractor in Glastonbury, CT. We put together the following guidelines explaining:

  • The industry standards for HVAC maintenance
  • What to consider about scheduling your HVAC maintenance as opposed to general service standards
  • What to expect from our regular HVAC service visits

We want to keep your home comfortable year-round. That means you and anyone who lives with you feel happy. We believe the following information helps achieve that comfort and happiness.

Standard HVAC Manufacturer Recommendations for Maintenance

Here’s the routine maintenance schedule recommended by most HVAC manufacturers:

  • Annual servicing
  • Checks twice a year as your schedule permits
  • Right before it turns cold in the late fall or right when it runs hot, in the late spring

These recommendations cover the basics. You can keep a system running well if you follow them. But here’s something to keep in mind.

These recommendations don’t consider your location. They lack personalization. That’s why we’ve enhanced them with the following tips.

HVAC System Service Guidelines From SM Mechanical Services, LLC

Follow these pointers to increase your HVAC unit’s performance and longevity.

Glastonbury’s Seasonal Changes Play a Role in Your HVAC Maintenance

Glastonbury winters unfold with a harsh chill, and our summers feel warm and humid. You want your HVAC system to work all year to handle these seasonal changes. Your best bet is to schedule your maintenance mid-autumn and then mid-spring. These times allow us to prep your AC for the drastic temperature changes. 

It also gives us enough time to make any repairs before those changes hit.

The Age of Your HVAC System

An HVAC system’s age plays a big role in how often it needs maintenance. 

Let’s say you want to remodel your home and you have an old HVAC system. You have ideas about upgrading your outlets and switches because you want a smart home. Why would you keep an old HVAC?

Get a smart HVAC system instead.

And in this scenario, you are also throwing money down the drain. Most old HVAC systems barely function. That causes other parts to stress. The coverage it provides is inadequate.

That will make you turn up the heat when it’s too cold or turn up the AC when it’s too hot.

Your adjustments won’t work because the unit has reached its limit. You don’t want us to perform maintenance then. You want us to install a new unit.

Additional Points You Should Know About Your HVAC’s Performance

If your HVAC smells like rotten eggs, and your house uses gas, turn off the system. Call 911 as soon as you get everyone, including your pets, out of the house immediately. Then you need to notify the gas company. Do not reenter the house until the situation gets resolved.

A burning smell might signify a fire. Turn off your HVAC. If the fire smell persists, clear the house as previously advised and call the fire department immediately. Again, stay out of the house until you get the clear to reenter.

Quick action saves lives and prevents property damage. These odors signify perilous issues beyond the scope of HVAC maintenance or repair. 

What Our Maintenance Provides

We provide a transparent service that details standard services, recommendations, and pricing. A basic routine HVAC service call includes:

  • Wire inspection
  • Thermostat check and adjustment if needed
  • Evaporator coils tune-up
  • Dust and grime wipe-downs

Maintenance tasks prevent daily use outcomes from causing the system to malfunction. For example, it’s impossible for an HVAC system not to collect dust. As long as you clean it as needed, that’s fine. 

But if you never clean it, that dust could cause the system to backfire.

Therefore, HVAC service provides upkeep and minor repairs. It exists to keep things running smoothly. It also exists to prevent things that are wrong from blowing way out of proportion.

Most people who sign up for this service feel relieved when our HVAC technician explains how we’ve prevented an issue from becoming a massive problem. This is especially true when we tell them how much money they have saved with a simple check-up. When you let us fine-tune your HVAC performance,  your HVAC amplifies its output without wasting an ounce of energy.

Now that you understand the importance of getting regular service to optimize an HVAC, let’s get you on the calendar for a service soon.

Contact SM Mechanical Services, LLC in Glastonbury To Amplify Your HVAC Service

Check out our five-star reviews and you will see why Glastonbury residents trust us to install, maintain, repair, or replace their HVAC systems.

SM Mechanical Services, LLC knows it is our responsibility to remain current with industry requirements. Therefore, our team receives the highest level of training. This high-level educational approach lets us handle the complicated technology that comprises modern heating and cooling.

Our customer service ranks as high-level, too. We place a great emphasis on courtesy. We arrive on time, answer your questions, and clean up our work site. 

To get on our service schedule or to book another type of HVAC appointment, contact us at 860-296-5100

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