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Is it more efficient to keep AC on when you leave the house? SM Mechanical Services, LLC, can answer that question and more when you call (860) 296-5100

Using your air conditioner significantly increases your electricity bill, especially during those hot, humid summers. Homeowners combat this by turning off their AC when they’re away. However, some homeowners claim it’s better to keep your AC unit on to save money. 

Is it more efficient to keep AC on when you leave the house, or can this decrease your energy savings? 

We’ll explore the facts and myths surrounding this question and how HVAC services in West Hartford by SM Mechanical help you reduce energy bills. 

Debunking a Couple of Popular AC Myths

There are a couple of popular myths surrounding AC efficiency that we’ll debunk below. 

1. Turning Your AC Unit Off Will Cost More Money

A popular myth is that when you turn off your AC unit for a large part of the day, your unit works harder to cool your home when you return, resulting in higher energy bills. 

However, this myth contradicts how AC units function. Your AC unit operates at a consistent speed, no matter the temperature. So, for cooling your home, your unit will run for a longer time to reach that ideal, comfortable temperature. 

Letting your AC unit operate all day means it’ll constantly turn on and off to maintain an ideal temperature. As a result, your unit operates steadily when you return to turn it back on instead of leaving it on throughout the day. 

In the end, an AC unit runs longer when it’s left on versus an owner turning it off. So the answer to the question, “Is it more efficient to keep AC on when you leave the house?” is a resounding “no” in most cases. 

However, while turning off your AC unit means saving money in most cases, exceptions do exist. One major exception includes cities charging more during peak hours for electricity, often between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. 

Of course, overall savings and costs depend upon your location and power company. 

2. Turning Off Your AC Unit Damages Your Equipment

The second popular myth is that turning off your AC unit and running it during the evening damages your equipment. Forcing your air conditioning unit to run on full blast for long periods causes it to break down or blow out sooner. 

While this logic is sound, AC units typically only run for a couple of hours in the evening to cool your home. However, keeping your unit on during the day causes it to turn on and off constantly. You can void short-cycling by running your AC unit less and reducing overall wear and tear. 

Reasons Not to Turn Off Your AC Unit

While the answer to the question, “Is it more efficient to keep AC on when you leave?” is often a yes, factors like comfort also play a role. Three reasons, in particular, prompt homeowners to leave their AC running during the day: 

  1. High-humidity levels: Along with cooling your home, an AC unit also controls humidity. Humidity runs rampant with your AC unit turned off during the day, especially during peak heat hours. Humidity not only makes a home uncomfortable but also facilitates mold growth. 
  2. Living things in the home: If you have a dog, cat, house plants, etc., in your home, you won’t want to turn off your air conditioner. 
  3. Takes longer to cool down on arrival: Waiting for your home to cool down when you finally return from your eight-hour shift is unpleasant enough to prompt homeowners to leave their units on during the day.

The Best Ways To Ensure Energy Savings

A few methods exist that maximizes comfort while minimizing your electricity bill. 

Turn Your AC Unit Up and Not Off

Many homeowners succeed with turning their AC unit up before they leave home instead of completely turning it off. Most homeowners aim to turn their AC unit up between 75 and 85 degrees. 

However, your unit will still turn on and off, stopping it from reaching high temperatures. Then when you return, your unit quickly drops to your desired comfort level. 

This method increases energy efficiency by up to 10%, depending on your unit, temperature settings, and energy rates. 

Invest in a Smart Programmable Thermostat

The problem with traditional thermostats is you need to adjust their settings manually. This process is time-consuming, and homeowners often forget to change their thermostat settings before leaving. 

Homeowners eliminate this issue by investing in a smart programmable thermostat. These thermostats allow you to adjust temperature levels remotely. They also learn your schedule and automatically adjust it throughout the day. 

This flexibility means you can program your thermostat to run at 80 degrees during the day but start cooling down an hour or two before returning home from work. Besides boosting comfort, this process also lowers energy bills, increasing savings. 

Receive Expert HVAC Services

Another way to increase comfort and minimize energy bills is by properly maintaining your HVAC system. A simple problem like having dirty air filters causes AC units to work harder, resulting in rising energy bills. 

Along with reducing your energy savings, an improperly maintained HVAC system creates potential health problems like worsening allergies or promoting mold growth. 

Scheduling an inspection at least once a year ensures your HVAC system is properly functioning at maximum efficiency. 

Call SM Mechanical Services, LLC, Today

While turning off your AC unit during the day reduces energy bills, it also reduces overall comfort. However, leaving your unit running causes your system to break down longer while increasing energy bills. 

Homeowners receive the best of both worlds by investing in a smart programmable thermostat and expert HVAC services from SM Mechanical Services, LLC. 

Learn about the elements of AC systems and let us answer, “Is it more efficient to keep AC on when you leave the house?” by calling SM Mechanical Services, LLC, at (860) 296-5100

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