It is that time of year when we begin to be overwhelmed by the heat and humidity, causing us to turn down our air conditioning systems to lower temperatures and cool our homes. This season, we find ourselves spending more time in our homes due to the current health threat of the COVID-19 virus. It is more important than ever before to make sure your air conditioning (AC) unit is running correctly to ensure your family’s health is protected. 

How Dirty AC Units Affect Your Health

Outdated and poorly maintained AC units have been shown to be factors in many health-related conditions, including respiratory conditions and the spread of some diseases. Fortunately, you can minimize any such risks by making sure your AC unit is clean and working properly, keeping your home comfortable and your loved ones safe. 

Importance Of Maintaining A Clean Unit And Ducts

Maintaining clean AC units protects our indoor air quality and personal well being. Having your air ducts checked and cleaned once a year will reduce health issues by freeing these ducts of debris and molds that can be carried by the air throughout your home. Molds can cause severe respiratory illnesses, as well as induce allergies that can lead to sickness. 

Molds, Dust, & Debris

Visible dust and mold on your HVAC system or ductwork can also create poor air quality leading to illness. Having a professional HVAC technician with SM Mechanical Services evaluate and or clean your AC system each year will ensure that you are starting the warmer months with cleaner air. 

The Right Environment For Molds

The indoor section of an AC unit creates condensation all summer long as the unit is running, making it a prime catalyst for mildew and mold growth. When the system lays dormant over the colder winter months, the mold can spread, and if not cleaned properly, can create strong odors as well as respiratory health problems. 

An AC unit’s parts such as it’s blower wheel and motor can also become breeding grounds of molds and mildews, leading to poor indoor air quality. Cleaning these parts can reduce the risk of unhealthy air flow distributed indoors. 

Keep Your Filters Clean

You can also increase the quality of your indoor air by changing your AC units filters as directed by their manufacturer. Following the recommended schedule of replacement, as well as monthly checks of the filters to determine their quality, will help keep the unit its best working order, as well as make sure that the filters trap dust and mold before it is distributed around your home. 

We Can Help

Keeping your AC system clean and working properly can go great lengths to ensuring that you and your loved ones are comfortable and healthy inside your home. SM Mechanical Services is dedicated to ensuring your AC unit is in prime condition. Contact us to evaluate and, if needed, clean your AC system today to ensure you have a comfortable and healthy tomorrow.

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