Old gas furnaces can be a cause for concern for the safety of your home, but they don’t have to become a danger. Call us today for easy solutions to deal with your old gas furnace!

Gas furnaces are the most popular home heating method nationwide and designed with close attention to safety concerns. A gas furnace is a great choice for your home HVAC system and can add a lot of value with the right HVAC contractor in West Hartford, CT, to maintain it. However, over time, older furnaces will have the potential to become dangerous. 

Below, SM Mechanical Services describes some of the dangers that may arise with gas furnaces, particularly units that aren’t meticulously maintained or have undergone extensive wear and tear. 

You Could Find Yourself Handling a Fire or Explosion

Is your gas furnace old or neglected? The risk of fire and explosion increases dramatically. As with any appliance that requires the use of gasoline, the gas-heat combination can be explosive. 

Keep the area around your gas furnace clear of anything flammable or combustible.

Gas Leaks Are Incredibly Dangerous

Continuing to use worn gas lines increases the risk of gas leaks. These leaks negatively impact your health on their own. However, they also carry the risk of a catastrophic furnace explosion. 

A professional must address any noticeable cracks or leaks as soon as possible.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Risks Lives If Undetected

An old gas furnace may leak as it ages, which increases the possibility of this colorless, odorless gas leaking into your home. Symptoms of a carbon monoxide leak include the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Over-tiredness
  • Depression 

Notably, an undetected leak left to spread in the home can prove fatal. 

Poor Maintenance Brings Replacement Early

If you’ve just moved into an older house with a gas furnace, it can be hard to determine how well it’s been maintained over the years. A professional can assess your furnace to help you diagnose any issues and come up with a plan for how to fix them. 

The lifespan of a gas furnace is about 10-20 years. However, with proper maintenance and cleaning, a gas furnace should operate efficiently and safely in your home well beyond 10 years. Around 15 years is when normal wear and tear can start to set in, so this is also when you should start thinking about the next steps for heating your home or upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace. 

Heat-related Components Can Get Too Hot If They Malfunction 

The top component in old gas furnaces that causes safety issues is the heat exchanger. This is the part of the furnace that traps the hot gas created by combustion. It then moves the heat to the correct area. 

Over time, the heat exchanger can sometimes crack due to corrosion, which can lead to toxic gas leaking into the home. While furnace manufacturers have several safety provisions to adhere to, proposals are being made to government agencies to provide even stricter regulations to lessen the possibility of death or injury by carbon monoxide poisoning. 

You Could Put Yourself and Your Property at Risk If You Miss The Signs Your Gas Furnace Is Past Its Prime

Do you suspect your gas furnace might need replacing? Here are some common signs that should alert you to a problem:

  • Steadily increasing heating costs: If your heating bill continues going up year after year no matter what you do to your heating settings, your furnace might be getting old. Gas furnaces lose efficiency over time, leading to higher heating costs.
  • Worsening indoor air quality: Gas furnaces don’t have an easy time circulating the air in your home, so you may become more susceptible to asthma and allergies. The accumulation of dust, debris, pollen, or pet hair and dander can lead to respiratory symptoms like coughing or itchy eyes. 
  • Constantly needing repairs: While it’s normal for important appliances to need occasional repairs, you shouldn’t constantly have to call your HVAC professional to fix your furnace. If your repair costs are climbing through the roof, it’s time to look at other options.
  • Visible cracks or rust on the furnace: This is a sign that your furnace needs to be replaced fast. Visible cracks and rust are weak spots on your furnace and need to be addressed immediately to avoid dangerous accidents.

Heeding Expert Recommendations Could Keep You Safer and More Comfortable

There are a lot of options if you do decide your unit needs replacing. Our customer service professionals can walk you through all of the possibilities, including a high-efficiency furnace or a heat pump, which has the combined capacity to act as both a heater and an air conditioning unit. 

Our technicians are highly skilled and dedicated to helping you find the perfect heating option for your home and your family.

Maintenance Keeps Dangerous Gas Furnaces in Check

Regular maintenance is the most important thing you can do for the safety of your gas furnace and your home. On top of helping the unit run safely, scheduled maintenance calls can do the following:

  • Reduce the likelihood of emergency repair costs
  • Ensure a long service life for your furnace
  • Maintain your unit’s efficiency and lower your heating costs.

With proper care and attention, gas furnaces can be a wonderful option for heating your home. While the safety issues do exist, they are greatly mitigated by taking good care of your unit, paying attention to the signs and symptoms of a failing unit, and having an HVAC contractor that you trust to handle any problems that might arise.  

Say Goodbye to Your Old Gas Furnace and All Its Problems 

Any concerns you have about old gas furnaces or other types should be addressed immediately, and our qualified technicians are ready to help.

Have you decided to replace your furnace or just clean it? Either way, call SM Mechanical Services at (860) 544-2026 today for expert assistance in cleaning an old glass furnace!

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