Is there a chance that you have an AC refrigerant leak in your home? Call our team of knowledgeable technicians to identify the cause of the leak and fix it in one visit.

Refrigerant leaks, while frustrating, are quite a common issue for air conditioner units to experience over their lifetime. Keep reading to learn what to look for if you are experiencing cooling issues in your home and the steps you should take if a leak is present in your HVAC system.

At SM Mechanical Services, our number one goal is to provide knowledgeable and trustworthy service to our customers while effectively preventing the likelihood of future repairs. Give us a call today for top-quality HVAC services in Manchester by SM Mechanical Services.

Turn Off Your Thermostat, STAT!

If you suspect that your AC unit may be leaking refrigerant, turn off the thermostat immediately. While your AC unit continues to run, there is a much higher chance of causing further damage to the unit while also releasing more refrigerant chemicals into your home.

What Is AC Refrigerant?

AC refrigerant is a chemical compound within your HVAC cooling system. The refrigerant runs through coils in your AC unit, absorbing heat from the air as it passes through the compressor and evaporator to produce cool air to circulate throughout your home.

When the refrigerant leaks from the coils, it can pool in or under your AC unit and damage the system. Refrigerant is a toxic substance that can also cause burns or lung damage, so if you suspect a leak, call a professional HVAC service right away.

Warning Signs of an AC Refrigerant Leak

Keep a close eye on your AC unit to watch for any warning signs of leaking refrigerant, including:

  • Noticeable increase in energy bills
  • Excessive humidity and moisture near or on the unit
  • Iced on the evaporator coils
  • Air conditioner running for longer than normal
  • Bubbling or dripping sounds coming from your AC unit
  • Unit is struggling to cool home

The sooner you notice warning signs, the better chance you have to prevent further harm to your unit.

Why Is My AC Unit Leaking?

A common misconception is that refrigerant leaks only in faulty units. In reality, your AC can leak refrigerant for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Improper installation: When an inexperienced technician installs your AC unit incorrectly, loose components can cause leaks.
  • Metal erosion: Over time, holes can form on your AC unit’s evaporator coils, which can lead to refrigerant leaks.
  • Wear and tear: The older a unit is, the more likely it is to experience worn-out valve stems over time, which can lead to leaks. The outdoor elements of your AC unit are also often subject to harsh conditions, which have the potential to cause damage that leads to leaking.
  • Clogged condensate drain line: The drain line, which drains excess condensation, can become clogged with dirt, dust, and debris, resulting in leaks.
  • Clogged AC unit filters: Over time, dirt and debris can collect on your AC unit filters and inhibit airflow to the evaporator coil. You should regularly replace air filters to avoid leaks and further damage to your unit.
  • Factory defects: Leaks can occur in broken AC units that may be missing components.

How to Locate an AC Leak in Your HVAC System

Without professional help, you might have trouble finding the refrigerant in your cooling system. Refrigerant can be potentially hazardous, especially in older AC units that use a toxic type of refrigerant called Freon. When you suspect a leak but can’t find it yourself, trust a professional who has a thorough understanding of HVAC system repair to check the refrigerant levels and assess your unit. At SM Mechanical Services, our promise is to provide trustworthy and quick solutions for repair while also ensuring that your AC unit continues to effectively cool your home for years to come.

Depending on the level of damage the refrigerant leak caused, technicians will likely perform one of the solutions below.

  • Patch the evaporator coil: If the hole is small enough, technicians will use a patch to secure the leak and prevent future leaks.
  • Evaporator coil replacement: If the hole is too large to patch, or if there are multiple holes, our technicians will likely recommend replacing the entire evaporator coil.
  • HVAC system replacement: If the damage from the leak is excessive, a technician may suggest that you replace your entire system with a brand-new air conditioning unit.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Refrigerant Leak Solutions

When you think you have a refrigerant leak, call an experienced HVAC company like SM Mechanical Solutions. Inexperienced technicians might suggest “topping off” your leaking AC unit with additional refrigerant as a quick fix. This short-term fix might briefly resume cooling in your home, but it will still require additional addressing to actually fix the leak.

For a leak to stop, you have to find the crack or hole and patch it. Adding more refrigerant to a leaking unit can actually cause more damage to your system, as having too much refrigerant can inhibit the system’s overall performance and restrict cooling abilities in the home.

AC Leak Prevention: Stay on Top of Regular Maintenance

Checking your AC unit’s refrigerant levels and scheduling seasonal maintenance for your HVAC system are the most important steps you can take to increase the longevity of your home’s cooling system. The sooner you identify a refrigerant leak or any other potential problem with your AC unit, the better chance you have of preventing further damage and ensuring that you get the very most out of your air conditioner unit for years to come.

Our trusted team of technicians is here to start protecting your investment and ensure your home stays cool when it’s most important. Learn more tips about buying a home with an old HVAC system.  

Call us at SM Mechanical Services at (860) 296-5100 today to schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment and stay on top of refrigerant leaks!

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