Nobody wants to deal with an HVAC system that fails to provide cool air during the summer or warmth in the winter. When your AC or heater stops working, it quickly turns your home into a difficult place to live, especially after paying an expensive repair bill.

Yet it often begs the question: Should you replace an HVAC before it breaks? If you’re wondering whether you should contact Glastonbury’s experienced HVAC contractor team to get your HVAC replaced, then you’ll want to know what to look out for.

Reasons You Might Want to Replace an HVAC

Replacing an HVAC system is no small matter. Before shopping around for a new system, make sure your AC unit is truly at the end of its life and beyond repair. Here are the signs that indicate replacing your HVAC might be the best option.

It’s Several Years Old

No HVAC system gets better with age, a fact that becomes increasingly apparent when it’s been operating for many years. Although it’s logical to want to get the most out of your HVAC before it fails for good, an old unit can quickly become more trouble than it’s worth. If your HVAC is over 15 years old, then a replacement is worth looking into.

There’s Soot Around the Vents

One of the top signs that you should get your HVAC inspected or replaced is if you see soot around the vents. Soot is a result of your unit producing excess carbon dioxide, which will lead to a drier living environment that can damage your floors, furniture, and plants. You might also notice that your eyes and throat feel dry or irritated, which can cause respiratory issues.

If you notice soot around any of the vents in your home, immediately shut your system down and contact your local HVAC professional to examine the unit.

Repairs Are Becoming More Common

Few things indicate an HVAC is dying like having multiple repairs done in a short span of time. The occasional air filter replacement or malfunctioning thermostat usually isn’t a big deal, but when the problems keep popping up and eating away at your bank account, it’s time to consider other options. If the price to repair your current HVAC is half of what a new unit would cost, then a replacement is probably in your best interest.

Energy Bills Are Adding Up

Time and increased usage eventually take their toll on your HVAC. The strain of keeping up with extreme temperatures brings further wear and tear upon the system as it struggles to cool your home due to decreased energy efficiency. 

If your utility bill has crept up or skyrocketed recently, then it could be a sign that your HVAC is on its last legs and needs replacing.

Suspicious Noises Won’t Go Away

Although there’s no such thing as a truly silent AC, some noises can be cause for concern. Sounds like buzzing and humming aren’t too unusual, but when you notice grinding, clanking, or rattling, it usually means a repair is in order. 

If these noises continue to pop up, even after having a technician come out and address them, then there are likely underlying mechanical issues. These can be incredibly costly or impossible to repair, meaning a new HVAC is in your future.

Reasons to Hold Off on Replacing An HVAC

Should you replace your HVAC before it breaks? While there are plenty of reasons to consider replacing your system, it’s just as important to know when to hold off on switching your current system for a newer one.

The Unit Is Less Than a Decade Old

It’s important to be mindful of your HVAC system’s age when weighing whether a replacement is a viable solution or not. Although an HVAC that you’ve used for nearly 20 years could be on its way out, a unit that’s less than a decade old likely has some life left in it.

It Doesn’t Make Sense Financially

Installing a new HVAC isn’t cheap, especially if you live in an older home with a larger unit. In situations like these, it might be best to let the HVAC continue running until it finally breaks down and then replace it.

There Have Been No Recent Issues With the Current Unit

Do you remember having your HVAC fixed for any recent issues? If not, then seeking a replacement probably isn’t necessary. This is especially so if the unit has been working like a charm and isn’t showing any signs of fault.

Extend the Life of Your HVAC Through Ongoing Maintenance

Your HVAC isn’t just an investment in your house; it’s integral to providing a comfortable living environment, regardless of the weather outside. If you want to ensure your HVAC performs its best for an extended period of time, then the best course of action is to establish a routine maintenance schedule through a licensed and certified professional. The steps of HVAC system maintenance include:

  • Scheduling a date to arrive and service the unit
  • Performing regular system-wide inspections to find potential points of failure
  • Providing a diagnosis of the HVAC system’s current state with recommended services

By having a local expert regularly perform maintenance on your HVAC, you can avoid costly repairs, increase your system’s lifespan, and ultimately save money.

Repair or Replace Your HVAC Today

Should you replace an HVAC before it breaks? As a family-owned business, SM Mechanical Services, LLC understands the weight of answering this question. The answer depends on the age of your HVAC system and the type of issue it’s having.

We bring over 15 years of industry experience delivering a wide range of home improvement and repair services to residents throughout Glastonbury, CT. 

We may recommend that you replace a furnace when replacing an air conditioner to maximize your budget. Our fully licensed and insured team is on standby 24 hours a day for any and all AC-related emergencies, giving you peace of mind when things begin falling apart.

Reach out to SM Mechanical Services, LLC today at (860) 296-5100 for a free estimate and to get the most out of your HVAC.

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