Air conditioning is a necessity in modern life, yet many of us spend little time considering just how much we need it. Oftentimes people put very little thought into their air conditioning units, resulting in unnecessary wear on them that regular maintenance and or inspection could prevent. The cost of replacing AC units can be expensive, making proper care and maintenance a priority if you want to keep your AC units working properly for years to come.

Keeping The Unit Debris Free

The first step of proper maintenance for AC units is to make sure that they don’t have any trees or plants growing on them or touching them. Because they need a good amount of space to achieve the best airflow, it is best to keep the area around them trimmed and clear. This goes for debris as well. Sticks, leave, branches, and pollen will all start to gather on your AC unit. It is recommended that you check it regularly to clean and clear off any debris on it.

Maintain Indoor Air Flow

One common mistake people make involving AC maintenance is closing off air registers in their house. Completely closing off registers can cause units to shut off or even freeze. If you’re trying to even out the temperature in your home it is best to just slightly close some vents, rather than closing them completely.

Regular Filter Changes

Another mistake many people make when providing care for their air conditioning units is not changing the filter. As stated previously, AC units require un obstructed airflow so it is important to replace your filters frequently. Most filters will need to be replaced at least every 90 days, but this can vary based on how frequently the unit is running. Units which run constantly may need their filters changed even more often so routine inspection is suggested.

Call The Professionals

The final step to providing proper maintenance to your  AC unit is actually quite simple. Getting your air conditioning units professionally inspected is extremely important for preserving the integrity of the system. You should have your units inspected and cleaned by a professional service at least annually to ensure that they are in proper working order, keeping bigger issues at bay.

SM Mechanical Services is happy to provide you with professional AC inspection, maintenance, and repairs that will ensure your unit is working properly and that your family remains cool and comfortable indoors. Call us today to schedule your AC inspection.

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