#1 for Split AC Systems Services in Glastonbury, CT With Over 190 Reviews
Split AC systems are ideal for homes that don’t have ductwork and those that have a relatively small square footage or low cooling demand. These systems rely on a compact, external condenser unit, as well as coolant piping that runs to internal units throughout a home. These internal units individually cool the spaces of your home, instead of cooling the home via air forced through ductwork.
Here at SM Mechanical Services, we specialize in installing, repairing, and maintaining split air conditioner systems for residents throughout Connecticut from our hometown of Wethersfield. We’d be happy to provide you with a quick quote for your project, whatever it may be. Give us a call to get started! You can also learn more about split air AC systems — we’ve described the design of these systems, listed the benefits, and posted guidelines on the right unit size below.
What Is a Split AC System?
Split AC systems, or ductless mini-split systems, are cooling systems that rely on coolant piping routed through a home to connect the internal and external units of the system, unlike central AC systems which rely on ductwork to move cool air. Split systems have an external unit, called a condenser, which transforms the coolant in the system into a liquid. Larger external units may support multiple zones, or internal units. After coolant has reached the condenser and transformed into a liquid, it is routed to internal units throughout a home, where it reaches evaporator coils. These coils allow the coolant to evaporate within the piping, which saps heat from the air surrounding the coils. This cooler air may then be fanned throughout a room. The coolant then cycles back to the external unit, and the process is repeated. A thermostat is set up within one of the cooled zones to monitor the temperature of the room, and it will turn the AC system on at set temperatures or when turned to the “On” position.

The Benefits of Split AC Systems
As we mentioned, split AC systems are ideal for homes that lack ductwork, as well as those with little demand for cooled air and homes with smaller square footage. In these instances, a split system will prove sufficient, and it may be far less costly than installing a central unit with all of the necessary ductwork. That’s why you’ll often find mini-splits in homes that have a boiler and radiators (instead of a furnace and vents) throughout Connecticut.
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Unit sizing will vary depending on the amount of zones that you’ll need, as well as the total square footage of those zones. Below, we’ve listed a rough guideline of the amounts of cooling BTUs (British Thermal Units) per hour that you’ll need to keep your space cool without overworking your external AC unit.
- 150 to 250 square foot spaces: 6,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 250 to 300 square foot spaces: 7,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 300 to 350 square foot spaces: 8,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 350 to 400 square foot spaces: 9,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 400 to 450 square foot spaces: 10,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 450 to 550 square foot spaces: 12,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 500 to 700 square foot spaces: 14,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 700 to 1,000 square foot spaces: 18,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 1,000 to 1,200 square foot spaces: 21,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 1,200 to 1,400 square foot spaces: 23,000 cooling BTUs per hour
- 1,400 to 1,500 square foot spaces*: 24,000 cooling BTUs per hour
* Spaces larger than 1,500 square feet may require multiple zones/cooling units.
While these guidelines may prove perfect for your situation, you should be wary that you may have more or less demand for cool air, depending on your home design and personal usage. If, for instance, you have a home with low ceilings, then you won’t need as much power to cool those spaces. On the other hand, you may need more power if you’re cooling your kitchen space — since you may have the oven running often. Also, you should consider the thermal efficiency of your home — do you have a home that is well insulated? You will also need a larger exterior unit if you have multiple zones throughout your home — some units can be installed to support up to eight internal zones. Consider all of these factors when settling on an AC unit size, and speak with an HVAC expert if you need advice.
Trust SM Mechanical Services
Here at SM Mechanical Services, you can trust that your home will remain cool and comfortable, even during the hottest months of the year. Again, we specialize in all things HVAC, including split AC systems. Count on us for an installation, or repair and maintenance services. Get your project started with a quick quote — simply reach out to us to schedule service!