#1 for Tankless Water Heater Installation in Glastonbury, CT With Over 190 Local Reviews!
Are you looking for a new water heater solution? Consider going tankless. Modern tankless heaters have earned homeowners’ curiosity with their high efficiency, their unbeatable durability and the savings that they provide.
Here at SM Mechanical Services, we specialize in installing and replacing tankless water heaters, so that you have an efficient, trustworthy supply of hot water, whenever you need it. If you’re ready to install or upgrade a water heater, and you live here in Connecticut, we’re the company to call. Reach out to our tankless water heater repair and installation team in Glastonbury today to schedule an appointment for your project. You can also learn more about tankless water heaters by reading the benefits and learning answers to some of our most frequently asked questions — both of which are listed below.
The Benefits of Tankless Water heaters
There are numerous benefits that tankless water heaters offer over traditional, tank water heaters, including all of the following:
One-Day Installations: With SM Mechanical Services, you can trust that your tankless system will be installed in a snap. We have the experience, proper tools, and skills to make quick work of your tankless water heater installation in your Glastonbury home, and you can rest assured that your installation will be performed properly, so that your water heater will last as long as it is designed to last.
95 Percent Efficiency Rating: Tankless water heaters are highly efficient because they heat water as it is needed. While standard water heaters have a full tank of hot water that must maintain a consistent temperature, tankless water heaters simply heat up water as it is pulled through the tankless system. You can think about it like this: While you’re away at work and the kids are at school, a standard water heater will continually heat the water in its tank, wasting energy. On the other hand, a tankless water heater won’t be idly using energy throughout the day. It’ll only click on when you come home to take a shower or to throw a load of laundry in the washer.
A Long-Lasting Solution: Tankless water heaters tend to outperform standard water heaters in terms of their longevity. Most standard water heaters will only last between 10 and 15 years before they will need to be replaced, whereas tankless water heaters can last for a few decades with regular maintenance and care. That means that you’ll end up spending even less for water heating solutions for the duration of your time in your home.
Endless Amounts of Water: Have you ever run out of water while you’re in the shower? With a tankless water heater, you don’t have to worry about running out of hot water. The tankless system produces hot water on demand, so you can continuously use hot water for shower after shower and laundry load after laundry load. Tankless water heaters provide an endless supply of hot water.
Accurate Temperatures: Best of all, that endless supply of hot water can be set to come out of the tap at whatever temperature you desire, and your tankless water heater will produce a consistent stream of water at that temp. You can easily control the output temperature of your water heater whenever you’d like.
State Rebate: At the moment, the state is offering a rebate on tankless water heaters, since they are more efficient, and therefore, less impactful on the environment. If you’d like to learn about the state’s current rebate program, simply reach out to us — we’ll let you know how much money you can redeem for your tankless water heater system!
Less Water Waste: Since tankless water heaters can be placed closer to the outputs where hot water is needed, less water is wasted every time you turn on the hot water. Think about the hot water in your kitchen sink. When you turn on the tap, it can take a minute for the water to heat up to your desired temperature, especially with a standard tank system that is located far away from the faucet. With a tankless system, you can place the water heater more centrally in your home, so that all of your hot water outputs receive hot water more quickly — you won’t waste water down the drain as you wait for those long pipes to heat up.
50 Percent Yearly Savings: With better heating efficiency, less water waste, a state rebate, and a longer lasting water heater solution, you’ll have significantly lower bills throughout the year. You can enjoy around a 50 percent savings on your water heating costs annually.
Smaller Size: Tankless water heaters are far smaller than traditional water heaters. While tank heaters are quite massive (usually a cylinder that is a couple feet wide and several feet tall), tankless water heaters are far smaller — usually less than a cubic foot in volume. That means that these heaters are easier to install and remove, and they can be placed more centrally in your home — which means that your system will be more efficient. In addition, you won’t have to use up an entire room in your house just to keep a water heater. A tankless water heater can be built into a small closet if it is better suited for the layout of your home.
Available in Gas and Electric: There are both gas and electric tankless water heaters available to homeowners today. Both of these options are more efficient then their tank-water-heater counterparts. In addition, electric tankless water heaters are highly efficient (often providing over 95 percent energy efficiency). However, gas tankless water heaters may be less costly over time, due to the low cost of natural gas.

Our Tankless Water Heater FAQ
How do tankless water heaters work?
Tankless water heaters rely on specifically designed heating elements that quickly heat water up as it passes from the water supply pipe to the hot water outlet pipe. These water heaters have highly efficient heat exchangers which make it possible to heat water as quickly as it passes through the system. Electric tankless water heaters will feature electric heating elements, a fuse box, and wiring, while a gas tankless water heater will have a burner and exhaust vent. Both systems can be temperature controlled.
Should I go with gas or electric for my tankless water heater?
If you have gas and electricity available for your water heater, you may want to weigh the pros and cons of each type of system. Up front, gas heaters will cost more to install. However, over time, these systems will cost less, because natural gas is cheaper than electricity. That said, electric water heaters are still a great option because they are easy and inexpensive to install, and they are highly efficient — they’re actually more efficient than gas systems, since they can convert over 95 percent of the energy used directly into heat. Gas systems only operate at about 80 to 85 percent efficiency.
Is one tankless water heater sufficient for an entire home’s hot water needs?
Yes. There are varying tankless water heater sizes available, and you can select a size that will be able to keep up with the demands of your home. For larger homes with multiple bathrooms, a washing machine, and other hot water taps, you’ll need a larger tankless heater. Meanwhile, smaller homes won’t have as much demand, and won’t need a big heater. Our tankless water heater repair and installation experts in Glastonbury can help you select the right heater size for your home.
Can a tankless system be used with a hard water supply?
Yes. While hard water can be a concern for water heaters (since it can lead to a buildup that can damage a heating system), tankless systems still outperform standard systems when supplied with hard water. Since tankless systems constantly move water through the system, the minerals in hard water have less time to settle and cake up throughout the plumbing of the system. You can also use soft water to further reduce the wear and tear that your tankless system endures.
Are there mini-tank systems that can be used with my tankless system for high-demand situation?
Yes. If you foresee that your hot water demands may sometimes be greater than the output capabilities of your tankless system, you can install a mini-tank system to keep a small reserve of hot water for high-demand situations. For instance, if you tend to run the dishwasher at the same time that everyone in the house tends to jump in the shower, then you can install a mini-tank with enough water capacity to cover the hot water demands of your dishwasher.
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Count on SM Mechanical Services
Do you have any additional questions? Or are you ready to have a new tankless water system installed in your Glastonbury home? Well we’re here to help. Count on the professional plumbers here at SM Mechanical Services to install a new system in your home. We’re located in Glastonbury, and we provide plumbing and HVAC services for folks throughout Connecticut. Reach out to us to get started today.
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