SM Mechanical Services, LLC, is Glastonbury’s best business for plumbing, HVAC, and other related services. Contact our trustworthy team today to chat about your needs or to resolve your furnace troubles in a timely manner!

What would cause a furnace not to kick on? This is a common question on the minds of property owners as colder temperatures draw near. In this detailed guide, we’ll go over common explanations for why your furnace won’t start up.

After you learn more about what could prevent your furnace from starting, it’s time to schedule professional repair services with a responsive team. SM Mechanical Services, LLC is a trusted HVAC company in West Hartford, CT, and can provide the stellar results you deserve in a timely manner. When you work with us, you can get your furnace working again in no time at all.

You Have Problems With Your Thermostat

An extremely common reason that your furnace won’t kick on is trouble with your thermostat. First, check that your thermostat is on, set to the correct temperature settings, and has fresh batteries. Verify that your thermostat is set on heat mode and that the set temperatures are higher than than actual temperatures in your home.  Check to ensure you don’t have an error code on your thermostat that you can resolve with troubleshooting.

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and your furnace still isn’t working correctly, you could need a new thermostat, or something else is potentially causing the issue. Consider reaching out to request repair or replacement services.

You Need To Address an Issue With Your Furnace

Sometimes the furnace itself is the reason it will not turn on. Check the furnace to make sure it’s turned on and has proper access to electricity, regardless of whether you have an electric or gas furnace. You can check your flame sensor or pilot light, as dirt buildup can prevent the system from starting.

Stay patient if it’s been a while since you last used your furnace since the light may take longer to activate. If you still have no luck after a few minutes of waiting, check that electrical problems aren’t to blame. Examine the panel and see if you have any wiring or connection concerns. 

You may need furnace repairs to fully address the problem. Some common reasons to call for furnace repairs include the following:

  • Unpleasant odors coming from the unit
  • An unexplainable rise in your energy bills
  • Random cold and hot spots throughout the property
  • Blocked airflow
  • Strange thermostat behavior or sounds
  • Leaking around your furnace

Other Reasons for a Faulty Furnace

What would cause a furnace not to kick on? From part problems to blocked airflow and more, your furnace may not turn on for countless reasons. Consider some more potential reasons if the above tips didn’t resolve your issue, then contact our team of reliable heating professionals.

There’s an Issue With Your Gas Line

First, check that you’ve turned on your gas line. You can test that your gas line is working by seeing if any of your appliances that require gas will turn on. If your stove or water heater still works, but your furnace doesn’t, then there’s some type of problem with your system.

You may have a disruption between your gas line and your furnace that’s preventing it from turning on and working as normal. Handling issues with gas lines is potentially dangerous, so this is an instance where calling a professional is key. Don’t put yourself and your loved ones at risk of getting hurt!

One of the biggest signs that the problem stems from your gas line is if you notice a strong odor. Gas leaks are no joke and require an immediate evacuation for you and your family. Immediately exit your property and call a local professional to safely address this serious situation. 

Your Furnace Is Overheating and Shutting Down

Your furnace has measures in place to avoid fires and unsafe conditions by shutting off when temperatures get too hot. This is for your protection and that of your appliance. It might become too hot if you have a cracked heat exchanger, which is dangerous and could leak carbon monoxide.

A furnace can also overheat when it has blocked airflow, causing warm air to build up inside the system with nowhere to escape. Either way, if you suspect your furnace is potentially getting too hot, call a local heating expert for immediate professional furnace repair services. In the event that you need a furnace replacement, you can explore options for energy-efficient residential furnaces, providing peace of mind and increased safety.

Something Is Restricting Normal Airflow

Neglecting to replace your furnace’s filters can have more consequences than you may realize. Besides decreased efficiency, higher than normal energy bills, and blocked airflow, you might also notice your furnace struggling to turn on. Replacing your furnace filter every one to three months (depending on the filter size) can help you make sure it turns on and improve the flow of clean air throughout your property. 

Problems with your ductwork can also hinder normal airflow, so check connections and look for any gaps. You might need an expert air duct cleaning to address the issue if the clogs are severe enough. Routine ductwork maintenance and inspections can keep this common concern in check.

Book a Fast Furnace Repair Appointment With SM Mechanical Services, LLC in Glastonbury, Connecticut!

We hope you now know what would cause a furnace not to kick on and are able to troubleshoot your concerns. If you’re still struggling to get your furnace to work or if your furnace is not responding to thermostat changes, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of technicians for assistance. At SM Mechanical Services, LLC, it is our mission to provide our Connecticut clients with superior heating, cooling, HVAC, and plumbing services. 

Call (860) 530-2792 to schedule a heating service appointment with SM Mechanical Services, LLC, in Glastonbury, Connecticut today!

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