Want to discover the best high-efficiency system perfect for your home? SM Mechanical Services, LLC can help when you call (860) 296-5100

It’s not uncommon for your energy bills to spike during winter or summer. Of course, spiking energy costs can significantly lower any homeowner’s savings. While you can’t control the weather outside, you can change your HVAC system’s ability to handle it. 

Whether your current heating and cooling system is reaching its prime, you’re tired of repairs, or you want to reduce energy usage, you might ask, “What is a high-efficiency HVAC system?”

This guide will explore the benefits of a high-energy efficient HVAC system, signs you may need one, and more. We’ll also explore who to call for expert HVAC services in Manchester, CT

How Do You Define a High-efficiency HVAC System? 

Before diving into the many benefits a modern HVAC system can offer, let’s first answer precisely, “What is a high-efficiency HVAC system?”

Despite heating and cooling systems seemingly appearing in all buildings today, most new homes only adopted them during the 1970s. Since then, heating and cooling technology have evolved, prioritizing energy efficiency for most models. 

Energy efficiency refers to the energy an appliance like an air conditioner or furnace generates versus the energy it wastes. The United States government assigns efficiency ratings to appliances to help consumers choose what’s best for their homes. 

AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) measures a furnace’s efficiency, while SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) measures an air conditioner’s efficiency. 

Generally speaking, the higher the rating, the more efficient the device is. In the case of air conditioners, any device manufactured after 2005 must comply with a minimum SEER rating of 13. Since air conditioners last up to 20 years, it’s possible to have a very outdated HVAC system well below this mandated SEER rating. 

What Specific Benefits Does a High-efficiency Device Offer? 

Let’s look at some specific benefits a highly-efficient HVAC system provides: 

  1. Higher Energy Savings 

There’s no denying how much money a highly-efficient HVAC system can save. Today it’s possible to purchase furnaces and air conditioners boasting an efficiency rating of up to 99%. For example, an air conditioner with a SEER rating of 26 can easily achieve this. You can find your efficiency rating on your device or by looking up your model online. 

While most homeowners probably won’t need an air conditioner with a 26 SEER rating, upgrading your outdated system can drastically reduce energy bills. For example, an upgrade in air conditioners from a SEER rating of nine to 15 can translate into using 40% less power. 

  1. Better Indoor Air Quality 

While sometimes overlooked, your HVAC system’s air filter assumes considerable responsibility. Your air filter’s role is to capture pollutants, including: 

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Allergens 
  • Smoke 
  • Oil 
  • Chemical vapors 
  • Germs
  • And even mold spores

These contaminants can quickly wear down your HVAC system while compromising your family’s health, especially if anyone has asthma or allergies. 

Today’s HVAC systems come armed with advanced air purification and filtration technology, capable of removing virus-causing pollutants. Better indoor air quality improves comfort levels, minimizes HVAC repair needs, and lowers energy bills. 

  1. Consistent Energy Usage Throughout 

When asking, “What is a high-efficiency HVAC system?” homeowners are often thrilled to learn they’ll receive consistent heating and cooling throughout their homes and apartments. 

Unfortunately, outdated systems can be very unreliable, resulting in one room becoming sweltering hot and another becoming icy cool. 

Energy-efficient HVAC systems provide more consistent heating and cooling. Additionally, many set-ups allow you to customize the temperatures of different rooms, specifically tailoring each to your exact comfort level needs. 

  1. Quiet Operations 

For many, one drawback of using a power furnace or other appliance is how loud they can sound. However, manufacturers outfit systems today with sound-reducing insulation, making their performances nearly silent. 

  1. Smart Technology 

Thermostats are a must-have to control any home’s HVAC systems. Trying to control a thermostat manually, however, brings many frustrations. 

There’s nothing worse than being in the airport or office and wondering if you turned off your HVAC system. A smart programmable thermostat allows you to adjust your HVAC system remotely, saving time and money. Some can even identify and troubleshoot equipment issues. 

Signs You Need an HVAC System Replacement

Spending money on an HVAC system replacement is never fun, but sometimes it’s necessary. In fact, replacing your HVAC system may save you money in the long run. Some signs you should replace your system include: 

  • Frequent repairs: If you need to repair your HVAC system frequently, you probably will benefit from a replacement. Repairs at least half the cost of a new system signify that it’s time to get a new appliance. 
  • Skyrocketing energy bills: Bills can start soaring during certain seasons or when more people are in a home. Your system might be the culprit if you can’t easily explain skyrocketing energy bills. 
  • The air feels damp or stuffy: Air that feels damp or stuffy can mean poor ventilation in your HVAC system. If the problem persists even after changing out air filters, your HVAC system might be the issue. 
  • Strange odors or sounds: Sounds or smells coming from your HVAC system can indicate wires melting or mold growth. Hissing, rumbling, or screeching sounds can mean a part like a compressor belt is damaged or broken. 
  • Your system is ten years or older: Even with the proper maintenance, most HVAC systems start experiencing significant wear and tear after ten to 20 years. If your system is ten years old or older, it might be time for a replacement. 

For a High-efficient HVAC System, Call SM Mechanical Services, LLC Today 

A new, highly-efficient HVAC system can significantly lower energy bills while improving indoor air quality and comfort. However, choosing the suitable unit for your home or business requires more than just finding a device with the highest rating. 

SM Mechanical Services, LLC team can install the correct unit perfect for your property’s needs.

Answer “What is a high-efficiency HVAC system” and learn the process of dealing with a refrigerant leak by calling SM Mechanical Services, LLC at (860) 296-5100

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