No matter the furnace problem your West Hartford home experiences, you can count on SM Mechanical Services to resolve it quickly. Book an appointment with us today!

Furnaces use many components to generate and disperse heat safely and efficiently. While some systems can function to some degree without all of their components, the same won’t apply to furnaces. For example, a common question people ask about their heating units is, “How long can I run my furnace without a filter?”

As a respected HVAC company in West Hartford, CT, SM Mechanical Services and our experienced HVAC professionals know the ins and outs of all furnace types, makes, and models. We understand the temptation you may feel to let your heating system run without a filter. Continue reading to learn why we don’t advise this practice long-term. 

Do All Furnaces Need an Air Filter?

All HVAC systems that provide heat, with the exception of boilers, use air filters. Filters may seem negligible, but they’re one of the most important parts of a heating system. 

When you run your furnace, it constantly circulates air throughout your home or business. The system heats the air it draws before dispersing the warm air back into the property through air ducts, vents, and registers. 

Every time your furnace draws in air, it goes through the filter, which traps airborne debris and contaminants like pollen, dust, and pet dander. The filter is a barrier that prevents debris from collecting in your furnace’s return duct or contributing to poor air quality. 

Can You Run Your Furnace With a Dirty Air Filter?

Air filters aren’t self-cleaning; eventually, you must clean or replace them. Most heating units take disposable filters that you can swap out when they become filthy. Other systems rely on permanent filters that you must periodically clean by vacuuming the loose debris and gently scrubbing the screen with running water. 

If you forget to clean or replace your filter, the current screen will continue trapping dirt and other contaminants until it becomes full and filthy. The clog will cause a major airflow restriction, which can seriously affect the furnace. Unless you replace the filter periodically, you risk your furnace’s performance and can experience a premature system failure. 

Why You Shouldn’t Operate a Furnace Without a Clean Filter

So, what’s the answer to, “How long can I run my furnace without a filter?” The answer is relatively straightforward: You should never run your furnace without a filtering screen. Though the furnace will technically work without it, it’s better to have a dirty screen than to have no air filter at all. 

If it’s time to swap out the air filter but you don’t have replacement filters on hand, you could safely run your heating system for a few hours until you secure a new screen. Still, letting your furnace run for longer than a few hours without an air filter can lead to problems like those below.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Your property’s indoor air quality will suffer drastically the longer you run the furnace without an air filter. Without a barrier to trap airborne pollutants, debris will continuously circulate through the air. 

The lack of a filter won’t only leave your home with excessive dust collecting on everyday surfaces like tables and countertops. The debris will also leave your home or business smelling stale and unpleasant. The airborne allergens and pollutants could also trigger asthma, allergies, and other health problems. 

It’s not uncommon for indoor air to contain more pollution than the air outdoors due to:

  • Tobacco smoke
  • Fuel-burning appliances like a gas furnace or stove
  • Construction dust
  • Dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Pollen
  • Scented candles
  • Household cleaners
  • Mold, mildew, bacteria, and other microbes

Debris Accumulation Inside Air Ducts

If your residential or commercial property uses air ducts to disperse warm air from the furnace, your ductwork is also at risk for problems if your system lacks a filter. Moisture is often present inside air ducts. As the furnace recirculates the air indoors, some of the particles will stick to the moisture. 

Over a short time, the moisture and debris buildup can contribute to mold growing in the ductwork. Mold needs warmth, moisture, and food to thrive, which it can find in a dirty, damp air duct.

These fungal growths will lead to an increased presence of mold spores flowing, settling, and spreading inside your home or business. If you or anyone else on the property is sensitive to mold, the increased spore level can cause significant health problems and discomfort to the respiratory system, skin, or eyes. 

Heating System Failure

As the dirt collects inside the air ducts and on surfaces, it can also accumulate inside your furnace. If you’re asking, “How long can I run my furnace without a filter?” because you intend to use the heating system without a barrier, you’re putting the system at risk for premature failure. 

Without a filter, the furnace’s inner components will develop dirt and grime buildup that will prevent them from working correctly. If you don’t use an air filter, you will need a costly furnace replacement faster than you’d expect. 

Best Practices for HVAC Air Filters

Unintentionally ignoring your furnace filter isn’t hard, but it’s not wise. Routine furnace maintenance is crucial for keeping the system fully functional. That includes changing the air filter at least once every season and scheduling an HVAC inspection and tune-up every spring and fall. 

A professional tune-up will prepare your systems for upcoming seasons. It includes minor repairs, cleaning, and part replacements. 

Need More Help? Turn To SM Mechanical Services

Now that you understand the answer to, “How long can I run my furnace without a filter?” put your trust in SM Mechanical Services for all of your HVAC concerns. Our BBB-accredited business helps with all heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment for homes and businesses throughout West Hartford, Connecticut, regardless of make or model.

From furnace maintenance to equipment replacement to address furnace ignition failure, our team can do it all. We’re available 24/7, so call (860) 530-2632 today for an appointment with SM Mechanical Services. 

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